I was visited by a hummingbird this morning. It was my husband who casually pointed out this amazing little bird gathering nectar from the plants lining my walkway. I was staring out the window just seconds earlier and completely missed it!! My mind was off somewhere else. Where? I can't even say. That’s how it has been lately. I’ve been distracted by so many little things darting in all different directions that I’ve become overwhelmed; thoughts racing along with no destination!
As I watched this hummingbird go from flower to flower drinking the sweetness in, I noticed how focused it was. And so peaceful as it just hovered effortlessly, its wings flapping so fast they seemingly disappeared. Focused and peaceful what a lovely prospect!
I took a deep breath, now mesmerized by this graceful creature. I became aware of sunlight coming in the window, the smell of my coffee, the sounds of the kids reluctantly waking up. I could almost taste the nectar of the flowers. I felt my shoulders release and noticed a smile forming on my face. Thank you, little bird, for bringing me back to focus, back to a peace that was gifted to me by our Creator. Being present in the moment brings great focus. That focus, for me, brings a knowledge that my life is in His hands. That gives me peace during the process of sorting my thoughts. I see the things I have no control over and release them! That eases bits of the storms in my head. I can now find some direction. As I listen quietly for the things I can control, I soon find I am no longer lost. I see where I need to go. I also realize I am right where I need to be in this moment. I think I’ll hover here for a little while more and drink in this sweet nectar called presence.
To bring yourself back into the present moment:
1. Pause. Take a deep breathe (close your eyes if you’re able/comfortable)
2. Clear ALL thoughts – even if it’s just for 30 seconds (believe me, that will feel like forever when you are in the tornado of your mind)
3. Open your eyes, if closed. Look around you. What are your senses picking up? Focus on each one; one at a time. Gain an overall sense of what is around you.
a. What are you seeing?
b. What are you smelling?
c. What are you hearing?
d. What are you touching?
e. What are you tasting?
4. Focus in on how your body is feeling overall. Where are you holding tension? Are you able to release that tension?
5. What is ONE thing you can be grateful about in this moment? Reflect on that. Soak it in.